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校园安全小贴士 | Campus Safety & Security Tips

发布日期:2025-01-03 18:16    点击次数:95

  当你开始你的沈阳化工大学求学之旅时,适应中国的风俗文化、遵守中国的法律、学校的校纪校规必不可少。这份小贴士将为你介绍有关安全方面的各种案例及建议。   When you start to study in SYUCT, adjust to local customs and abide by Chinese laws and regulations as well as university’s regulations and disciplines are indispensable. This tip will guide you with some reference cases and helpful ideas on your safety.     ·  交通事故在所有的突发事件中占比最高。请勿在校园内使用大功率摩托车。购买电动自行车请上牌,驾驶电动自行车时请注意速度,遵守交通规则。如果自己的自行车在校园内被偷,请及时直接到保卫处报案。如果你在校园发现了丢失的自行车时,请及时到保卫处请有关老师协助取回,切勿自行采取撬锁、砸锁等暴力行为,否则造成误解,产生不必要的麻烦。   Traffic accidents have the highest proportion of all the accidents we dealed with. High-power motorcycles are forbidden on campus. When buying an electric scooter, please sign it at local police station. When driving an electric scooter, please pay attention to the speed and obey the traffic rules. If your bicycle is stolen, please report to the campus security department. If your lost bicycle is found on campus, please contact relevant staff members in security department for help. Do not resort to violent methods like lock picking or lock breaking to retrieve it in case of unnecessary trouble from misunderstandings.    案例:2017年7月,某外国硕士奖学金生因驾驶电动车失控造成头部骨折,并致窒息导致肺部发炎,被送入医院ICU抢救达两周。   Case: In July, 2017, an international student who was seeking master degree and with scholarship sponsored, got knocked when drove a scooter and caused skull broken, asphyxiation and lung infection. He was rescued in ICU for 2 weeks.       请勿酗酒,在中国文化里酗酒是一种不文明的行为。   Please restrain from uncontrolled drinking which is regarded in Chinese culture as an unwise, senseless and immature behavior.   案例:2014年12月,某外国硕士生在酒吧里因酒后殴打他人被中国警方拘留并被判处有期徒刑。 Case: In December 2014, an international student who was seeking master degree, was detained by police and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment in China due to beat someone in the bar after drinking.       保持良好作息有助于提升你在中国的学习表现,帮助你融入中国社会,也可以避免打扰他人。在校学习期间,如果你在学校宿舍居住,我们建议你在晚上10点前回到宿舍。避免夜不归宿。   Having an organized daily routine will help you to improve your learning performance in China, to integrate into Chinese society, and avoid disturbing others. During your study in SISU, we suggest that please return to the dormitory before 10 p.m if you live in our dormitory, and try to avoid stay out all night.        即使你只是在小睡或者短暂的去楼下大厅,也请锁好宿舍门。不要把大量现金放在你的房间里。请及时向工作人员报告窗户、门锁或照明的破损情况以便及时修复。   Always lock your door - even during short naps or when you are just down the hall. Don't keep large sums of cash in your room. Report broken windows, door latches or lights to residence hall staff so repairs can be made quickly.   案例:2017年5月,某外国学生因经常不关房门丢失超过1000美元。 Case: In May 2015, an international student lost over $1,000 in her room due to leave her door open frequently.        外国留学生在校学习期间不得就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动。外国人非法就业的,处五千元以上二万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处五日以上十五日以下拘留,并处五千元以上二万元以下罚款。   Regulations for International Students provides that international students shall not obtain employment or be engaged in business or any commercial activities during the study period in China.Foreigners who work illegally shall be fined no less than 5000RMB and no more than 20000 RMB; under serious circumstances, the violators shall be detained for no less than 5 days but no more than 15 days, in addition, be fined from 5000RMB up to 20000 RMB.    案例:2019年3月,两名留学生因非法就业被出入境管理局传唤,并分别处以罚款和训诫。 Case:  In March, 2019, 2 international students were summoned by Bureau of Exit and Entry Administration for illegal employment and fined and admonished repectively.       吸毒在中国属于严重违法行为,走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品等属于严重犯罪行为。在中国,大麻、鸦片、海洛因、冰毒、吗啡、可卡因等均属毒品。请勿从事任何与毒品相关的行为,违者将受到严厉的惩罚。     Drug abuse is a serious illegal act in China. Smuggling, trafficking, transportation and manufacturing of drugs are serious criminal acts. In China, marijuana, opium, heroin, methamphetamine (ICE), morphine and cocaine etc. are all illegal drugs. Do not engage in any drug-related acts, violators will be severely punished.   案例:2019年1月,一名留学生因吸食大麻被行政拘留、勒令退学并驱逐出境。 Case: In January 2019, an international student was administrative detained, ordered to drop out of school and deported for smoking marijuana.           沈阳是个具有800万人口的大城市,在商业繁华客流较大的地区请随时注意你的个人财物。请将它们存放在有拉链的包或者其他安全的地方。有人刻意引起你注意时请当心扒窃。放假期间避免前往客流量巨大的地方,避免安全事故。   Shenyang is a city with a population of 8,000,000. Please be careful and keep an eye on your personal belongings (e.g. purse,cellphone) in areas crowded with people, i.e. the downtown, scenic spots and bus / metro / railway stations crowded with people. Beware of pick pockets. Place wallets in front pockets and carry a purse that has a secure, strong strap. Beware of loud commotions that may be staged distractions for pick-pocketing. During the holidays, please avoid going to places with huge passenger flow and avoid safety accidents.         电子产品、加热器和烹饪设备是许多寝室火灾的根源。请让易燃易爆品远离热源。不要使电源插座、延长线和接线板过载。在寝室中,严禁使用大功率电器(如热得快、电水壶、加热器等)   Electrical products, portable heaters, and cooking equipment are the source of many dorm fires. Keep combustibles away from heat sources and don't overload electrical outlets, extension cords, and power strips. High-power electric appliances, such as immersion heater, electric kettle and heater etc. are strictly forbidden in dormitories.   案例:2017年9月,某外国学生在寝室里因长时间为电动车电池充电造成火灾事故。 Case: In September 2017, an international student overcharged his scooter battery in his dormitory and caused a fire disaster.       如果你去旅游,请与朋友结伴而行,避免随意与陌生人交朋友。除了保管好你的私人物品外,还要仔细保管你的证件。如果你把护照弄丢了,请立即到当地警察局报到,以便以后以此办理新的证件和签证。离开住处前,请关闭并锁上所有的窗户,拉好所有的窗帘,锁好门锁并闩上大门。确保你的家里贵重物品已妥善保管或带走(如珠宝、电脑、电子产品等)。   If you go traveling, please have a company of your friend(s) and avoid making friends with strangers indiscriminately. Apart from taking good care of your personal belongings, stow your credentials carefully. If you get them lost, please immediately go to the local police station to report which could later on be used as a proof to renew your credentials and visa. Before leaving, close and lock all windows, close all shades / drapes and lock and bolt the entrance door. Make sure you secure or remove valuables in your home or room (i.e. jewelry, computers, electronics,etc.).       当你使用自动取款机时,如果有任何可疑情况,请立即取消交易。如果发现任何的自动取款机使用异常,请立即打电话给相关银行。你可以非常容易地在自动取款机上发现银行电话号码。保护自己远离电话诈骗。不要把你的个人账户信息告诉任何陌生来电。挂断电话,与我们联系。切勿向身份不明的呼叫者透露任何卡或者验证码信息。   For ATM, cancel your transaction and walk away if anything seems suspicious. Please make a phone call to the related bank immediately if anything goes wrong with the ATM. The phone number of the bank could be easily found on the ATM.Protect yourself from scams. Never give out your personal account information over the phone to an unknown caller who initiates the call. Hang up and contact us with any questions. Never disclose any card information or mobile verification code to unidentified callers.   案例:2014年11月,上海某大学一名博士留学生接到诈骗电话,威胁他涉及重大经济犯罪案件,要他将银行卡里的资金汇往一个所谓的安全银行账号,他感到害怕就按照要求去银行ATM机进行汇款,被诈骗人民币62000元。 Case: In November, 2014, a PhD student in Shanghai received a scam phone call professing his involvement in a major economic crime and asking him to transfer his deposit to an allegedly safe account. Out of fear, the student remitted the money via ATM upon request, only to be swindled out of CNY 62000.  

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